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S. T. Young

Achieving something for some of us can often take time. For me, it was the sixteen year plan to get my college degree. Okay, let's be fair, this was not full time. In 1962 I entered CW Post College for the first time. I lasted until February, 1964. Needing a change to maybe grow up a little, I volunteered for the US Army and proudly served for two years; I was honorably discharged in February, 1966 serving as a Military Policeman in the states.

From 1966 to 1978 I went back and forth to CW Post three more times while working full-time, marrying and helping to raise three kids with yes, another on the way, busy time. In February, 1978 I finally made it: Bachelor of Arts, English - yea me. Don't give up!

Along the way, I was introduced to Personification, the ability to give life/voice to the inanimate. It allows one to think and create outside the box away from the obvious. To have these "non-human" items come off the page to tell the reader a story and often with humor…

Delightful! I found it very rewarding as there is no wrong. After all "who" can better tell the reader what it is like to be a Plumber's Crack, Book Mark, Skillet, Glass, Flatulence, Drain, Bra, Diaper, Carton of Eggs, Medicines, Toilet Seat... and many others... than these items waiting to be heard! Oh yes, there is also some adult humor, got to laugh!

These writings and others are in both of my books: A View (As Seen) by a Toilet Seat and Tales from the Wizard of Odd. Both books have four color illustrations which add greatly to the enjoyment of both books.

I am a life-long Long Islander who spent an equal amount of my working years commuting to New York City or working on Long Island. My resume includes Wall Street, Banking, The Garment, Food or Printing Industries and finally with the YMCA of Long Island in the non-for-profit world.

Each of my four kids with their husbands and wives plus seven grandchildren live in the Long Island area. I am blessed to have them all close by so "Pupa" (that's what they call me) can be involved in their lives.

I am retired and keep busy by doing some part-time sales work for a local paper, The North Shore Leader, continue to write and to be involved with The Long Island Authors Group, The Long Island Writers Guild while working out 3-4 times a week to help maintain my fabulous figure.

My books can be purchased by contacting me at my email of Burrder@aol.com, at Amazon and The Dolphin Book Store in Port Washington, NY. Please say hello to me on my website S.T.Young.com. Hope to hear from you and yes, get yourself a pad and pencil and see what you can do… you will be surprised!

Enjoy and have fun!

Published Works:

Tales from the Wizard of Odd

Tales from the Wizard of Odd is a second collection of personification to follow up A View (As Seen) by a Toilet Seat. In this new volume, the entertaining and often humorous perspective from the inanimate objects around us continues with such items as a pair of boxer shorts, a mannequin, a carton of eggs and, yes, even navel lint.

A View (As Seen) by A Toilet Seat

A View (As Seen) by A Toilet Seat is a collection of unique/free verse writings personification; I bring life/voice to the inanimate by having each writing come off the page to tell the reader a story, often with humor. Self-published, 2014.

Where to Purchase:


Forest Book Store

Dolphin Book Shop


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